Breast implant surgery

Breast implants provide shape, fullness, and size to the breasts. Experienced and skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Riikka Veltheim, performs breast surgeries at City Clinic in Helsinki.

At Cityklinikka, we have chosen Motiva® as our top brand for breast implants and recommend it as our primary choice to our clients due to its exceptionally high quality and advanced technology.

In addition to Motiva, our implant selection includes high-quality, fully anatomical Polytech MESMO®sensitive implants and the popular GC Aesthetics® implants.

Fat transfer can also be combined with breast implantation. In this case, the end result is soft and even more natural.

Patients undergoing breast surgery at Cityklinikka are in safe hands.

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Available at: Helsinki

Round GC Aesthetics® PERLE implants
From 5990 €
Round POLYTECH implants
From 5990 €
Round Motiva® implants
+450 €
Anatomical Motiva Ergonomix® implants
+650 €
Extra soft Motiva Ergonomix®2 implants
+1000 €
Anatomical POLYTECH MESMO®sensitive implants
+650 €
Ultra light B-Lite implants
+1800 €
Breast surgery under anesthesia
+850 €
Breast implants over 600 cc
+1000 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
5990 €

Available at: Helsinki

Incl. VAT 24 %
620 €

Available at: Helsinki

One breast
2500 €
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Includes anesthesia.

Both breasts
3500 €
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Includes anesthesia.

Available at: Helsinki

Procedure under local anesthesia
3200 €
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  • The price of the procedure is always VAT-exempt (0% VAT).

Available at: Helsinki

Procedure under anesthesia
3600 €
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  • The price of the procedure is always VAT-exempt (0% VAT).

Available at: Helsinki

Procedure under anesthesia
The price of the implant surgery + 1000 €
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  • The price includes value-added tax (VAT 24%).

Frequently Asked Questions

How should the process be started?

Those considering breast implant surgery should gather as much information as possible about the process before making a final decision.


  • Selection of breasts, different types of breast implants
  • Planning and consultation
  • Course of the surgery
  • Recovery

When planning the surgery, we have the opportunity to show the final outcome of the procedure as a three-dimensional image. This way, both the surgeon and the client can easily agree on the desired outcome. The Crisalix 3D program can be widely used in planning breast surgeries.

In Finland, Cityklinikka is the first clinic where breast surgery clients can send breast images from home for 3D simulation even before the consultation.

What happens in consultation?

We offer free breast consultations in Helsinki.

Before coming for the consultation, many clients have already researched breast anatomy and implantation.

During the consultation, a nurse or doctor will examine the photos you have sent. With 3D modeling, you can see what your new breasts may look like. Our professionals will also inform you about implant options, the course of the surgery, postoperative care, and potential risks.

You will be given a referral for laboratory tests and mammography or ultrasound. These tests should be completed before the surgery, and the results should be brought with you on the day of surgery.

The nurse/doctor will also gather medical history information from you. If everything is in order, the planned surgery time can be booked.

For optimal surgery and recovery, it’s ideal to undergo lymphatic therapy at least once before the procedure.

What happens just before the surgery?

  • You discuss the size of the breast implant with the operating doctor. A “surgery map” will be drawn on the surgical area for you.
  • The anesthesiologist discusses the upcoming anesthesia with you and performs, if necessary, a health examination.
  • All makeup, jewelry, and piercings are removed at the latest just before the surgery.
  • Before the day of surgery, nail polish must be removed (fingers and toes).


How does the surgery proceed?

Cityklinikka’s breast surgeries are performed by the skilled and experienced plastic surgeon Riikka Veltheim, who is also one of the surgeons and partners at Akademikliniken, a leading plastic surgery hospital in Stockholm. Riikka possesses extensive experience, profound professional expertise, a unique aesthetic eye, and the best possible skill to take care of patients.

Breast augmentation surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, unless there is any medical contraindication.

With local anesthesia, surgery can be performed when small or moderate-sized implants (up to 3 dl) are placed on top of the muscle. The surgical incision is typically made in the fold beneath the breasts (3 – 5 cm depending on the size of the implant).

The implant is inserted into the predetermined location before the surgery, the incision is closed in three layers, and one intracutaneous stitch is placed on the skin, which will be removed later.

Surgery can also be performed through the armpit or nipple, but these methods are rarely used nowadays.

Supportive dressings are applied before you fully wake up. The surgery takes from one to two hours.

What happens after waking up?

In the first few hours after the surgery, you are under the supervision of the anesthesiologist and nurse. If needed, you will receive pain medication. The nurse is with you all the time.

Before you leave, the operating doctor will examine you, after which you will be fitted with Ipomia bras. You will need to wear these bras day and night for 3 – 5 weeks. Even after this, supportive bras must be worn during the daytime for several weeks.

What is the recovery process like?

Pain experienced after surgery varies individually but is relatively minimal. Painkillers are prescribed as needed, although they are usually unnecessary after the first two days. Mild swelling and bruising may occur, lasting about one week. Swelling can be effectively prevented and reduced with lymphatic therapy. Arnizen™ cream is suitable for local treatment of all side effects.

Many patients return to work and social activities as early as one week after surgery. Heavy physical exercise should be avoided for the first three weeks after surgery. During this three-week period, lifting and pushing heavy objects should also be avoided. It is wise to abstain from sexual intercourse for a week after surgery, as sexual arousal can cause increased swelling or bruising. Only gentle massage of the breasts, taught after three months post-surgery, is recommended.

How do I care for the wound?

  • Keep the wound dry.
  • A dressing is kept on the wound until the stitches are removed.
  • The dressing should be changed if it is dirty or wet.
  • Dressings should be sterile. Sterile dressings can be purchased in ready-made packages from the pharmacy.
  • For the first five days after the surgery, keep the wound completely dry. After that, it’s okay if the wound gets wet during washing or showering.
  • Do not rub the wound or its surroundings. Change wet dressings to dry sterile dressings.
  • It is advisable to avoid sauna during the time of the stitches and for two weeks after the stitches are removed.
  • Avoid unnecessary movement and stretching of the wound area.
  • Consult a doctor if the wound experiences increasing pain, redness, continuous heavy bleeding, continuous moisture through the dressing, foul odor, or if fever rises above 38 degrees.
  • Stitches will be removed approximately one week after the surgery.
  • Smoking significantly hinders wound healing.

How do I care for the scar?


he scar forms on the surgical site after stitch removal. You can influence scar healing with home care. To expedite scar lightening and softening, you can use effective Scarsilc scar cream or a heparin-based product from the pharmacy (such as Trombosol forte or Hirudoid forte) twice a day for about four weeks. Always avoid rubbing against the scar.

Start using the scar cream according to the instructions after the tape treatment is over.

Although swelling and bruising disappear after a few weeks, the final settling of the breasts’ shape may take up to three months.

Our clinic strives to ensure that the surgical outcome is just right and pleasing for you.

Our aim is to make the breasts look and feel natural after surgery. Our surgical team does everything possible to make the surgery successful and as easy as possible for you.

Safety-related questions

Is the surgery safe?

There is no surgery without risks. However, in a surgical team comprised of highly trained doctors and nurses, complications from surgeries are extremely rare. Nevertheless, in every surgery, there is always a possibility of complications such as bleeding, infection, formation of scar tissue, and anesthesia-related issues.


What is capsular contracture?

The body always forms a capsule of connective tissue around the implant, which may feel firm over time for some individuals. The implants used today and guided massage techniques reduce the formation of the capsule.

Capsular contracture can be prevented by ensuring the sterility of the operating room and instruments. The use of the new Keller Funnel device also reduces the passage of microbes into the body. The fewer microbes that enter the body, the less hard scar tissue is formed.

Capsular contracture cannot be completely prevented because biological and genetic factors also influence how strong scar tissue forms around a foreign object – in this case, the implant.

For more information about Cityklinikka’s five-year capsule warranty, you can inquire via email.

Whenever a foreign substance is added to the body, there is a possibility of a rejection reaction in some individuals. However, the risk of rejection with silicone is low (approximately 0.002% according to studies).

What about the risk of infection?

Infection can occur in connection with any surgery. After every breast surgery, an antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent infection.

We are capable of managing any potential cases of infection.

What is a hematoma?

A hematoma is a collection of blood within your body, in this case around the implant or in the surgical wound area. Hematomas typically occur shortly after surgery. Small hematomas usually resolve on their own, but larger ones may sometimes need to be removed through a repeat surgery.

Can there be sensory changes in the surgical area?

Sometimes, the superficial sensory nerves of the nipples or breasts can be damaged. Sensory changes are usually temporary and will resolve on their own over time.

Does breast implants cause cancer?

Current scientific studies indicate that breast implants are not associated with cancer. (Silicone breasts do not cause cancer. Duodecim 1998; 114(9): 837.)

In recent years, there has been some discussion about a condition called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which has been linked to textured implants. ALCL is an extremely rare disease.

In January 2019, HUS announced that textured implants had been considered safe and widely used both in the private and public sectors. However, it has been reported that globally, 650 women with textured implants and eight in Finland have been diagnosed with ALCL, also known as “breast implant lymphoma.” The exact incidence is not available, but it is estimated to be between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 100,000. As a result, professionals have changed their practices and ceased the use of textured implants. Cityklinikka has only rarely used textured implants in recent years, and following this information, they are no longer installed for our clients at all.

Why do my new breasts crackle?

Sometimes after surgery, you may hear a sound under the skin. The crackling is due to air escaping from the surgical wound and usually resolves within a week.

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